Wednesday, February 2, 2011

cloth diapers and children - will include it?

The choice of a program of child care can be difficult for parents. Many parents feel guilty leaving their child in the care of others and get worried about the quality of care of their child. Added to this dilemma, parents fear that their choice of child care program will not accept cloth diapers, or is reluctant to use.

As a supplier facing a parent, no matter who wants to use cloth diapers can be intimidating for a child. They are afraid thatThe diapers are difficult to control, or constant licking. You may not know what to do with dirty cloth diapers, and reluctant to approach parents to their concerns.

Children's Health is the biggest concern

Parents choose to use cloth nappies for different reasons. Saving energy and environmental concerns are the topics under discussion against disposable cloth, but the main concern of most parents is cloth diapers popularhealth of their children.

Ironically, it is the health of children, diapers causes many childcare programs hesitate to use a cloth. Because of mass marketing campaigns of the disposable diaper companies and popular prejudices, many think that cloth diapers are unsanitary and difficult to use. However, there is evidence to the contrary. Analysis "of: According to a study conducted by Family and Health Systems Nursing, School of Nursing, Peabody CollegeResults of the comparison between cloth diapers and paper products showed no significant difference in the frequency or intensity of fecal contamination in day care centers. "Suppose that the program of care for children, changing diapers compliance procedures, systems easy to use cloth diapers disposable diapers a long time without a healthcare environment.

Changing the practice is very important

According to the National ResourceCentre for health and safety in child care, must be a diaper "able to control urine and stool and minimize fecal contamination of children, caregivers, environmental surfaces and objects in the context of child care." Both cloth and disposable diapers meet this standard, even though by all systems of modern cloth nappies, the All in One Pocket design may require this option to meet the best. In any case, the procedures critical for effective diapersPromotion of health conditions, such as the use of real nappies.

Regulated (licensed or certified) child care programs are required to change the procedures of that state or county to comply with regulations. These rules are set to minimize the disease, in particular the small intestine, promoting a healthy and hygienic conditions. Since the vast majority of diseases of the small intestine in the setting of care are spread by fecal contamination, adequate sanitation proceduresessential for the spread of diseases such as hepatitis A, rotavirus, Giardia, E. Coli and stop Shingella. I'm sure we can all agree that we do not want to spread these diseases to our children!

Although the rules of changing a diaper can vary from state to state, comfort is a good policy are:

Wash hands before and after the caregiver's diaper change
A dedicated space for diaper changes with a hard, clean and near a valley that are usedis not used for food preparation
disposal of diapers or toilet paper storage of cloth diapers in a covered container inaccessible
Cleaning and disinfection of the changing surface after each use
Wash your hands after changing baby diapers
In addition, children should always wear clothes over diapers

Some programs with a single as a waterproof pad under her bare buttocks of the child and require that employees wear theirThe disposable gloves when changing diapers for extra protection against fecal contamination. This is not necessary until your hands are washed and the surfaces thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Do not assume, make sure that every child has, or below, the station medical procedures, especially if your child care provider is not regulated. I know that unregulated providers to change diapers, sofa bed or on the floor surrounded by other children. I also know that oneasks children to throw dirty diapers of other children in the garbage! Make sure your child care provider, ask what their station procedures.

cloth diapers and children can get along

Parents who want their program to use the settings of child care to care to make cloth themselves with their state rules and regulations for the child in diapers. Contact your local resource and referral agency or department Health and family for a copy of your child support state legislation. Be sure to choose a simple system to use cloth diapers, and teach the child how to use the provider. Remember also not to show appreciation for the availability of child care provider to enhance their comfort zone. A simple "thank you" can go a long way.

Child care providers who face cloth diapers a parent tries to use should be familiar with the> Cloth diaper system of the parent. Make sure that your questions and seem to share concerns or difficulties may wonder. An open mind, can keep enjoying the bright colors and soft feel of cloth diapers compared to institutional

As already mentioned, the type of comfort is as important as the correct procedure. Both tissues and disposable diapers, if the spread of the disease in children and educatorsimproperly treated, both cloth and disposable diapers can be comfortable and hygienic, if managed correctly. It 's easy to see that the cloth diapers and children go together!

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