Thursday, June 9, 2011

Steps to change a diaper

Change the diaper as a baby can be an easy task for some parents, but I'm sure they are still parents who understand that the diaper effective, more about how to change a child. Diapers are basically a toilet for children under form of rain are all made ​​from the diaper. 's Changing diapers can be very simple if the basic procedures are followed, you have done is worth it, once you see the smile on your childFace.

Before changing the diaper of a child, you have to prepare some things have changed diapers in the helping process. Here are some elements that are needed: new, fresh diapers, wipes, diapers, diaper pail and a sponge. Of course are some other elements that are useful, although it is optional, is recommended in all cases. Examples include, powder and diaper rash ointment, baby powder cornDust.

After collecting all the necessary elements, the last thing is to have a baby naturally. First, enter the new, fresh diaper on the changing table, it can also be a child on a towel or some other form of substance to offer more comfort. Then put the child on the fresh diaper. To just be child's abdomen facing up, while the back sides of the diaper. The old diaper is now necessary to resolve to be and betaken from the child with a delicate way. Next, clean the buttocks of the child with wet towels. Keep the legs of both the upper child can help the process of purification. Note that if your child is a girl to clean lips and vaginal area, because there is a possibility that the female chair to get there. To clean the buttocks of the child, including the lower back and thigh areas.

At this stage, your child must be cleaned and cleaningDiaper. Use the sponge and wipe your seat panel to ensure that the surface is clean "dry". You can now a diaper rash ointment or baby powder on your child's buttocks, is optional and is only valid if needed. The powder protects the child against getting unwanted rashes due to welding. If your baby is clean and beautiful, this is where the new fresh diaper play a role. Help your child in cooldiapers again to make sure that the back of the diaper is pulled up to prevent the loss is quite high. The best position is to be the diaper front, the situation is directly under the belly of the child. The last step is, of course, from the back door and closing the front of the diaper. Why not have it is easy to change your baby's diaper? Changing the diaper of a child is a good experience for new parents. It 'also possibleFor this process in a game of Peek-a-boo to simplify the process of changing diapers, baby did not even notice that you have to change diapers, because they are playing to be distracted by!

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